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FreeThe Bible tells us that God created Adam as an image of himself - that is not true. It is also not true that Adam was the first thinking being to walk upon the earth. In the beginning was the Firstborn. The Firstborn was a true image of God. Perfect to the core, a creature with no sex, neither dark nor light and both beautiful and terrible to behold. God feared his creation and left it unfinished, banishing it to the Abyss and created Adam instead with all his flaws.
But the Firstborn had already touched the Earth. Leaving behind a taint so powerful that even God's expulsion couldn't keep it from breaking through into the mortal world to reclaim it's birthright. In a remote desert in the Middle East the Earth was wounded. Eon after eon the Firstborn continued to fester, breaking down the fabric of reality as human civilization flourished around it.
According to an ancient prophecy the Firstborn will successfully break through into the mortal world seven times. Bringing with it diseases, corruption and perversity until seven mystics come and sacrifice themselves to drive it back into the abyss. This has already happened six times. Now once again the ground under the city called Al-Khali trembles as the Firstborn enters the world one last time to either be defeated in a last battle or find eternal freedom.
During the centuries every civilization made sure that those seven mystics would stand ready to defeat the Firstborn and this hasn't changed. Known as the Jericho Squad they are now called to Al-Kahli. The city in which one travels further back in time as he ventures deeper into its heart until he reaches the beginning of all.
The game is a pretty straight-forward First Person Shooter but every one of the seven members of the Jericho Squad has different abilities and uses different weapons. While Cpt. Devin Ross uses the Patrioteer (a combination of shotgun and assault rifle) and is besides Father Paul Rawlings the only member of the team that can heal wounded teammates, Sgt. Wilhelmina "Billie" Church is more of a samurai. She uses a Nodachi as a melee-weapon and a rapid-fire sub-machine gun in addition to Blood magic which allows her to summon either a Blood or a Fire Ward.
Although your teammates do a pretty good job on their own, later on you have the ability to take over one of them and do whatever you want to do yourself. The squad is also divided into two teams which you can give the orders "Hold" or "Follow" which comes in handy if you position one team to cover your six and take the rest with you into the fight.
The health system is somewhat similar to games like Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas or Call of Duty. This means that there are no health packs scattered around. When you're hit you have to search for cover to regenerate. If you are hurt badly enough you'll go to the ground but as mentioned Ross and Rawlings can bring you back to life. The game only ends if you can't be healed fast enough or both Ross and Rawlings are dead.
As the name suggests, Clive Barker, the maker of the Hellraiser movies, had great influence in the making of the whole game including art-direction and background story but Clive Barker's Jericho is not the successor to Clive Barker's Undying.
By SirMadsen2 -
FreeAs the name suggests, Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004: A Century of Flight, is that year's version of the popular simulator from Microsoft and celebrates 100 years of flight. Flight Simulator 2004 includes 9 historical aircraft such as the Wright Flyer from 1903, DC-3, Vickers Vimy, Curtiss Jenny and the Ryan NVP 'Spirit of St. Louis’ that you can pilot and new challenges centered around the historical aircraft. It includes a new help system called 'Learning Center' and an improved ATC, and a new dynamic weather system. The GPS systems in Flight Simulator 2004 have been completely overhaulled and are now based on real world Garmin 500/295 GPS systems.
By SirMadsen2 -
FreeOn New Year's Eve 1958 Hyman Roth not only celebrated his birthday, he also celebrated the successful expansion of the Corleone family, successfully lead by Don Michael Corleone for fifteen years now, into Cuba. But the celebrations did not last long when suddenly "la revolucion" started and all hell breaks loose. Michael and Hyman manage to escape with most of the other family members but Aldo Trapani (the main protagonist in The Godfather) gets killed - just in time for five new families to threaten the Corleone family's control over New York, Florida and Las Vegas. As one of Aldo Trapani's closest soldiers, the player jumps into the role of Dominic to help Michael and the Corleone family win the war as well as to build a family of his now.
Looking over Dominic's shoulder, the player moves freely through three cities depicting a New York, Florida and Cuba from the late '50s/early '60s traveling between them by airplane. Connected by the main storyline, the main goal of Dominic is to grow his family and destroy the other five families. This is done in two main steps: Taking over businesses and killing so-called "Made Man". Taking over a business is done the same way as in the predecessor: Enter the shop/joint/factory/construction site, fight through the enemy guards and find the person with the Godfather-sign over his head. That is the one the player needs to threaten until he gives up his resistance and pays his dues to Dominic from now on instead of the other family.
Each business owner has his own weak spot as well as a breaking point. A weak spot ranges from destroying inventory to punching him or her in the face, and gives a 25% bonus on the monetary outcome. But if the player pressures the owner to much, he either dies from the torture or reaches his breaking point. Then he gets aggressive, cannot be intimidated anymore and attacks without mercy. Is the intimidation successful however, the player gets a one-time cash advance and gains money from the joint every day. In addition there are several rackets combined in a crime ring. Once the player controls it, he immediately gains a bonus until he loses one of the rackets in the crime ring. This goes for his enemy as well. When the player takes over a business of a crime ring, the bonuses like bullet-proof vests for all family members or brass knuckles for higher melee damage are instantly removed. That's why the enemy families do not just sit by and let Dominic take their businesses one by one. So the player has to hire guards to protect the businesses. In case of an attack, he can also send one of his soldiers to help in the defense.
This soldier or so-called "Made Man", is initially discovered and invited by the player to join his family while hanging out at the various safe houses and rackets. Each of them has a specialization. While one might be good at planting bombs, the other is a safe cracker very useful to rob banks and loot all the various safes in the city to get an achievement. As the player progresses through the game, he cannot only hire more family members, but can also promote a few of his soldiers. This allows them to learn a second and even third profession on top of their initial one. It is also possible to upgrade certain skills like Survival (stay longer conscious once out of health) of a family member, in return for hard-earned cash. When a made man is downed by enemy fire, he does not immediately get transferred to the next hospital or police station. Instead there is a time window in which everyone can revive the other with a shot of adrenaline. If it's too late, the player respawns at the hospital/police station and loses some money while his made man is out of the picture for a certain amount of time. This is also true for the player if he has a medic on his team, otherwise he goes directly to jail or the hospital.
The amount of time it takes them to get back on your side can be reduced by using favors. Favors are handed out by random people with a sign over their head on the streets and by high-ranking officials. Both give the player a mission which can involve killing or beating someone up, blowing a business (even one of the player's) to hell or something similar. The difference is, that the favor of an official can be saved for later like immediately rebuilding a bombed business. Favors of random people instead come in the form of money rewards or kill conditions.
Kill conditions are needed to get an enemy made man. Just shooting them only puts them in the hospital. To take them permanently out the picture, the player needs to make an example of the man by fulfilling the kill condition. Shoving a made man from the roof of a building, putting a bullet between his eyes and such are examples for such kill conditions. Once all made men of a family have been eliminated forever, the player can deal the final blow to the rival family: killing their Don and blowing up their compound. All while dealing with the police that hunts you down just for forgetting to silence a witness of a crime.
The game also features a multiplayer mode that ties in with the single player campaign. Upon entering the multiplayer mode, the player chooses one of his family members he has hired in single-player and takes on his role. During his participation in the four game modes Team Deathmatch, Demolition Assault (blow up three objects in enemy territory), FireStarter (torch barrels, gas and propane tanks to rack up scoring multiplicators), Safecracker (bust a safe and hold the position for more points), the player then earns honor points for his family member. These are used in single player to buy a new weapon license for that soldier, which allows him to use the higher level weapons the player finds scattered around the city and can be handed to him.
By SirMadsen5 -
FreeThe Lord of the Rings: Conquest puts the player right in the middle of the most famous battle of the Third Age including the assaults on Helm's Deep and Gondor and the battle at the Black Gate. In two campaigns the player either fights for the forces of good or the forces of evil and leads them to victory.
Similar to Star Wars: Battlefront, the player can choose from up to four classes and looks him over the shoulder while moving him over the battlefield: The warrior rushes into the crowd and fights his enemy up close and has the ability to unleash powerful combos. The mage is more focused on protecting his friends from incoming fire or healing them but has also access to a shock wave and a powerful lightning strike. The scout on the other hand turns invisible and kills even the most powerful enemy with a small stab in the back or attaches a bomb to an enemy and sends him back to his friends. The last is the Archer who prefers to stay in the back unleashing a rain of fire or poison arrows on the enemy. But each of the classes requires energy to perform the more powerful attacks which is gained by simply killing enemies.
Besides the usual weaponry a class carries like swords or daggers, the player can also find and use catapults stationed on the battlefield or get on the back of a horse to get the advantage and thin the enemy horde just by sprinting through it.
After choosing a class, the player is dropped at the first spawn point of the current map and is then required to help his allies to help fulfill different objectives depending on the game mode and map. These can range from capturing and defending positions to killing the enemy hero. While in single player the heroes on both sides are called when needed and fit the current map (like the Gandalf and the Balrog in the Mines of Moria), in multiplayer the best player of one team is automatically chosen once his team has reached a certain percentage of points needed to win.
The multiplayer mode also allows up to four players to play together through the campaigns and features three additional game modes: In "Conquest", similar to Battlefield 2142, the goal is to capture flag points on the map in a pre-determined order and once all points are held by one team, the game is over. In "Team-Deathmatch" the team with the most kills wins the game and "Find the Ring" is a "Capture the Flag"-variant featuring the one ring instead of a flag.
By SirMadsen9 -
FreeOpenLoco is an Open Source re-implementation of Chris Sawyer's Locomotion, a construction and management simulation video game that simulates running a transport company.
OpenLoco is an open-source re-implementation of Chris Sawyer's Locomotion (CSL). CSL is the spiritual successor to Transport Tycoon, and OpenLoco aims to improve the game, similar to how OpenTTD enhanced Transport Tycoon and OpenRCT2 improved RollerCoaster Tycoon.
Chris Sawyer's Locomotion was initially written by Chris Sawyer in x86 assembly, building on top of his RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 engine. Much of the code is 1:1 with RollerCoaster Tycoon 2. However, the engine has changed substantially enough that OpenLoco currently does not share its codebase with OpenRCT2.
Recent implementation efforts have focussed on re-implementing the UI so that the data structures involved may be better understood. Once this is done, we hope the game logic will be easier to understand and implement.
By SirMadsen3 -
FreeThe base game of Aliens Versus Predator 2 is notable for its unique gameplay, allowing players to experience the story from three distinct perspectives: a Colonial Marine, a Predator, and an Alien. Each character type offers a vastly different play style and abilities, providing varied and immersive gameplay experiences. The Marine campaign focuses on survival horror, with tense and atmospheric gunplay. The Predator campaign offers a more strategic approach, utilizing advanced technology and stealth. The Alien campaign provides a visceral melee experience, emphasizing agility and close-quarters combat.
"Primal Hunt," the expansion included in the Gold Edition, adds new storylines and missions that precede the events of the main game. It introduces additional elements and weapons to the three factions, further diversifying the gameplay. The expansion also features new environments and challenges, enriching the narrative and lore of the Alien and Predator universe.
Graphically, Aliens Versus Predator 2: Gold Edition was praised for its detailed and atmospheric environments, which effectively captured the dark and foreboding essence of the film series. The game’s use of lighting and shadows added to the suspense, especially in the Marine campaign, where players must navigate through dimly lit corridors teeming with alien threats.
Aliens Versus Predator 2: Gold Edition is a definitive collection that combines thrilling first-person shooter gameplay with the rich lore of two iconic sci-fi franchises. Its diverse campaigns, immersive environments, and engaging multiplayer mode make it a standout title, offering a comprehensive and thrilling experience for fans of the series and the first-person shooter genre.
By SirMadsen2 -
FreeWho wouldn't like post-apocalyptic games that present us with their version of the dark future and force us to think about the fates of humanity. Twilight: 2000 is exactly the kind of game that created its own version of the event and indicates how fast the world can go to war. The game takes place in the 1990s, when NATO and Warsaw Pact troops faced a brutal, devastating war that turned Poland into a devastated and infested country. There is really very little left of the country, and even that little wants to be controlled by the ruthless Baron Czarny. Of course, your goal is to do everything possible to stop him and prevent him from doing even more damage in such a hard-hit country. This is a very well thought out RPG game, where you have to organize a total of 20 soldiers who will obey your orders. Each soldier has his own nature, so each individual responds differently to orders. You have to pay attention to all the characteristics of the soldier - personality, abilities, languages he speaks, etc. The game requires quite a bit of planning to make your missions successful and to minimize losses on your loss.
By SirMadsen1 -
FreeSkyNET was Bethesdy's final game based on a Terminator license. It was originally developed as a data drive for its predecessor Terminator: Future Shock, but during development it decided to become a standalone game. One of the noticeable improvements, this time was the ability of Xngine to display the game in a higher resolution of 640x480 (the previous game ran only in the classic 320x200). If you had Future Shock installed with SkyNET, you could also play the game in this new resolution. In addition to the new single-player campaign, new multiplayer options have been added.
Like any sequel, SkyNET had to show that it knew more. The player's task is to prevent the machine from launching the recovered nuclear weapon. More variable environments, day and night missions, as well as driving and flying machines. All this is offered by SkyNET, wrapped in feature briefings and usual acting performances, as was the case at the time.
By SirMadsen2 -
FreePeople have always loved catastrophic scenarios where they imagine how bad humanity can end. These scenarios are the subject of many books, movies, but also computer games. One of those games is Burntime. The game itself draws you straight into the action. It is not explained what is the cause, but suddenly you find yourself on an Earth whose entire surface is covered by a desert. Cities have been destroyed, lakes and rivers have dried up, almost all of humanity has become extinct. Only a few strong individuals have survived, struggling for their bare lives and trying to find a source of drinking water. The game is a combination of RPG and strategy. At the beginning, you choose the character you will play for. The goal is quite clear: to find a source of drinking water, search for a need, fight monsters and defend the conquered territories. Gradually, you can expand your group, invite more people, and at the same time you can hire mercenaries to guard your territories. At the time of the release, it was a relatively innovative game with a new concept of gaming, and I believe that even today, many hours will pass before the game starts to bore you.
By SirMadsen2 -
FreeIn Transport Tycoon, you are in charge of a transport company starting in 1930 in the midst of The Great Depression, and your aim is to build up an empire of trains, ships, lorries, planes and helicopters, with technological evolution to be taken into account. You can play alone, or with a number of computer-controlled rivals.
At the beginning of the game, you (and your rivals) have a large terrain at your disposal. The terrain is shown in isometric projection and includes hills, rivers, lakes, bridges, industrial facilities and a lot of small towns. It is up to you to decide how to start building your empire.
Maybe you can begin by connecting two towns with a road, building a vehicle depot somewhere next to the road, and setting up bus stops in both towns. Now just buy a bus (initially, there are just a few models available, but more buses appear with time), set its schedule, and watch as it goes between both bus stops, taking passengers and unloading them, earning you money. You can also transport passengers by building train tracks, sea ports, or airports and then buying appropriate vehicles - trains, ferries, planes.
If you set up a station next to an industrial facility (such as a factory, a power plant or a farm), you can also transport various cargo, such as coal, livestock or wood, which allows you to earn much more money than transporting passengers. Of course, you'll have to buy special lorries and train cars if you'll want to deal with these. Most businesses offer certain types of cargo and are ready to pay for transporting other cargo to them; for example, a steel mill has a lot of steel to fill your cars, and will gladly accept iron ore if you have any.
Clicking on any of your vehicles brings up a small window where you can observe a live feed of what the vehicle is doing and look up its status. If anything important happens during the game (such as a particular station accepting its first vehicle), it is shown as a newspaper headline at the bottom of the screen.
Various versions exist building upon the DOS original, with the most notably different being the PlayStation port, which in addition to the isometric graphics includes a 3D view of the world map taking advantage of the PlayStation’s graphics hardware. The game was followed up with the release of the World Editor and later re-released in enhanced form as Transport Tycoon Deluxe.
By SirMadsen2 -
FreeBubble Hero 2 builds on the first game while keeping its basic formula intact. It's still a Bubble Bobble clone at heart. This time, two players can play together, choosing from a set of four characters; the first game's protagonists Abi and Ni Ni are joined by pint-size dragon boxer Beibei and the shy, studious Xiaozhen. The game has received an overall facelift, and is now depicted in high-res 640x480 hand-drawn spritework; an animated introduction and short cutscenes between levels also give the game a simple story.
By SirMadsen71 -
FreeTough Guy is a fighting game similar to Street Fighter. Choose one fighter and travel all over the world to choose and challenge a wide variety of fighters.
A unique feature of Tough Guy is that fighters have the ability to refill their health if they are injured. They also have super moves which can inflict a lot of damage on their opponent.
Although not as well-known as Sango Fighter games, Tough Guy has the same charm and excellent gameplay that makes Panda one of the most underrated fighting game companies of all time, let alone in Taiwan.
Crisp animation and graphics, many special moves, and diverse locales make this a fun game to play. The only downside is that the characters are too similar to each other. Still, it's a good fighting game no one should pass up.
By SirMadsen4 -
FreeRepack by MagiPack (includes Jason's Freelancer Patch v1.25)
Freelancer is a direct sequel to Microsoft’s mission-based space combat simulator Starlancer. However, unlike its predecessor Freelancer combines combat and trading within an open world environment. Due to the involvement of Wing Commander's creator Chris Roberts it is largely considered to be the spiritual successor to Origin Systems’ Wing Commander: Privateer.
Set 800 years after the events of Starlancer, the game revolves around the adventures of freelance pilot Edison Trent, survivor of an attack on the space station Freeport 7. Having lost the deal of a lifetime (worth a million credits) in the attack, Trent teams up with Jun'ko ‘Juni’ Zane, of the Liberty Security Force, and together they begin to investigate events connected to the attack.
While the story progresses through the completion of specific storyline missions, Trent is free to spend time exploring, trading, or even smuggling. He also has the option of taking freelance combat missions offered by the many factions that inhabit the 48 star systems within the game.
The star systems themselves are beautifully detailed. A vast range of planets await exploration, along with brightly burning stars, nebulas, treacherous asteroid fields and vast expanses of space junk (often home to hostile outcasts).
One striking feature of Freelancer is the way it is controlled. A joystick is not required as the game is keyboard and mouse driven. Keys control the forward movement of the ship while moving the mouse with the left button held down allows the ship to change direction. At the same time the targeting crosshair is dragged across the screen by the movement of the mouse and the right mouse button is then used to fire the ship’s guns. This works surprisingly well making it an instantly accessible game.
By SirMadsen24 -
FreeThis is the standard version of the StarfieldCustom.ini that is required for most addons to work properly. Nothing added, nothing changed. It's the raw file without any added modifications.
By SirMadsen7 -
FreeThere always was a curse upon the Covenant family which killed them all either with a painful disease or drove them into madness. At the end of the 19th century the father of the current generation of Covenants reopens their old but abandoned mansion and thereby uncovers strange standing stones on an nearby island. Possessed by this discovery, he locked himself up in the library and wanted to uncover the meaning of those stones. Out of curiosity, in 1899 his three sons and two daughters stole a book about the stones out of his library, went to the island and conducted a dark and powerful ritual which marked the beginning of the end. During the following 20 years almost every member of the family either turned mad and killed themselves or died from something else.
Now it is the year 1923 and the very last member of the family, Jeremiah Covenant, lies on his deathbed with cancer in his body but he is not alone in his house. The spirits of his brothers and sisters haunt the house, strange events happen and evil creatures stroll through the mansion. In a final attempt to not only lift the family curse but also to put his fellow ancestors to rest, he calls upon Patrick Galloway. Patrick was part of his squad in the first great war and after a fierce battle against creatures, they had never seen before, he had specialised in abolishing such powers from the earth.
You take control over Patrick and walk around like in every other first person-shooter through the several locations of the game ranging from the mansion itself over other earthly locations to Oneiros and Eternal autumn, which are other plains of existence. On your way you uncover the mysteries of the family by reading books and papers which lie around the mansion or by talking to the few people still alive on the island.
Also reading might help you understand what is happening here, it won't help you survive against all the strange creatures that hide in the shadows and attack you without asking. It's also impossible to defeat the ancestral spirits without some serious firepower, so besides your trusty revolver, you'll also find several other weapons during the course of the game like Molotov cocktails, your lovely shotgun or a freeze gun shaped like a dragon head. Since you are fighting the paranormal, you also have access to several spells which allow you to see enemies before they see you, revive the dead or shoot Ectoplasm. Since you hold all your weapons in the left hand and you cast your spells with the right hand, it is possible to use both at any time.
As the name suggests, Clive Barker, the maker of the Hellraiser movies, had great influence in the making of the whole game. He also wrote the background story.
By SirMadsen2 -
FreeAndy is a child who likes playing with his dog Whiskey, doesn't particularly enjoy going to school, and has a knack for inventing complicated gadgets. One day Andy and Whiskey are strolling through the park, when suddenly a solar eclipse darkens the sky, and after a moment Andy realizes that his dog has been taken away. But science can solve everything, and Andy heads to his treehouse, which is home to his outstanding inventions, including a spaceship! If you thought it was just a toy, you thought wrong, because Andy boards the ship and pilots it into the heart of the Darklands, a world controlled by the evil Master of Darkness. Andy takes out his gun (another splendid invention of his) and prepares to fight the evil sorcerer's minions. Nothing will stop the boy from rescuing his beloved dog!
Heart of Darkness is a cinematic 2D platformer designed by Eric Chahi, the creator of one of the genre's progenitors, Another World. Though the game has many fast and furious action sequences, including shooting hordes of dark creatures, it is built like a series of tasks, each requiring different approaches, from arcade-style shooting or jumping to interacting with the environment and solving puzzles. Like its spiritual predecessor, the game is linear; completing a section usually takes Andy to a different location, where another task awaits him.
Andy has several guns at his disposal, though in certain locations he will lose his weapons and will rely on the player's wit or quick reaction to survive. Andy will also gain magical energy, which can be used to grow or destroy trees. Similarly to Another World, many hazards are placed on the hero's path; despite the child-oriented premise, the game contains graphically explicit death scenes, which occur if the player is not careful or quick enough to save Andy from a gruesome demise.
Heart of Darkness features orchestral music and pre-rendered animated cutscenes. It comes with a pair of 3D glasses, which allow the player to view certain scenes in the game in 3D.
By SirMadsen2 -
FreeBattlefield 1942 is a massive online multiplayer shooter roughly based on World War II, but with emphasis on balance and fun. Join armed forces of United States, United Kingdom, Japan, Germany or Russia, and battle up to 63 of your friends online. Have access to up to twenty different authentic weapons. Control any of the 30+ vehicles over land, on water, or in air. Combat takes place in four theatres; South Pacific, North Africa, and Eastern and Western Europe. Have epic battles with up to 64 players on the same map, or hone your skills in single-player mode against AI bots.
By SirMadsen6 -
FreeFenimore Fillmore happens to rescue an old peddler being attacked by some rustlers, but it is also him who accidentally leads the old man to his death by passing him the hair lotion. Just a few minutes before his death, the peddler revealed that he owned one of three skulls that will unlock the treasure of the Toltecs. Fenimore takes hold of the skull, but is then shot by the rustlers and passes out, with the skull going to the hands of the rustlers. When he regains consciousness, he sets out to recover all three and unearth the treasure himself. And of course, beside Fenimore, some other people are also searching for these skulls...
3 Skulls of the Toltecs is a 3rd person cartoon adventure game in the same vein as The Secret of Monkey Island. The interface is point-and-click, and the player is given a list of verbs to select from to perform actions: open, close, pick up/give, use, look, move, talk, similar to the LucasArts games it emulates. Once a certain portion of the territory has been covered a map becomes available for travel, or the player can ride the train tracks with a hand-pumped trolley or travel by donkey. Puzzles are inventory-based, and the player must talk to other characters in the game and collect items in order to solve them. In many conversations, players are given multiple choices of what Fenimore will respond. Players' choice largely affects their process in the game.
By SirMadsen2 -
FreeRoger Wilco, the brave interstellar janitor who has already saved the universe from many great dangers, is now in a very embarrassing position. His commanders show no respect for his courageous actions in the previous game. Instead, he is being accused of all kinds of violations against the galactic law, is deprived of all the honors he got in the previous game, and as a token of mercy, is allowed to return to his old job - cleaning closets... But those unfortunate events are just the beginning of much bigger troubles Roger will get into. Once again, the future of galaxy depends on him!
Space Quest 6 is the first game in the series to be released exclusively on a CD ROM. The game continues the humorous tradition of the series and is especially inclined towards parody of popular sci-fi movies. It features SVGA graphics and voice-overs for conversations and text descriptions. The interface is slightly different from icon-based system used by Sierra in many other adventure games: the player chooses verbs from a menu that appears at the bottom of the screen, similarly to earlier LucasArts titles. Unlike all previous Space Quest installments, the game allows the player to retry immediately in case Roger dies, without the need to restore a previously saved game.
By SirMadsen1 -
FreeAfter travelling back and forth through time in the previous game, Roger Wilco is back in the Starfleet Academy, serving as both a cadet and a janitor. Cheating his way through the Starfleet Aptitude Test, Roger is finally given the rank of captain, his own ship (a garbage scow) and a mission: to explore strange new worlds (which no man in his right mind would explore), to seek out new life and new civilizations (which grew out of the massive amounts of trash Roger will collect on his way), to boldly go where no man has gone before. Step by step Roger will have to unveil a galaxy-wide biohazardous material dumping scheme, solve the mystery of the disappearance of a fellow Starfleet captain and his ship, and confront an agent of an old nemesis.
Space Quest V: The Next Mutation is an adventure game in the Space Quest series. Like its brethren, it is characterized by humorous writing and situations, as well as plenty of opportunities for the hero to die horribly. The game is entirely mouse-controlled: the player interacts with the world by clicking on locations, people and objects on the screen, cycling between various actions (walking, looking, touching or taking, talking, etc.), by clicking the right mouse button or using the icon bar. The latter also contains icons that allow the player to access Roger's inventory, quit the game or change the settings.
Commands for smelling and tasting have been removed, but a special icon for giving orders has been added. It can be used on any object or character in the game, but its actual purpose is to issue specific commands to the crew members: Roger's garbage scow, the Eureka, has a crew over which he presides. The game is plot-driven and contains cutscenes done in a comic book-like style. Plot development is linear, but each planet the protagonist visits usually consists of several screens and contains its own objectives and puzzles. There are also hazardous situations that may occur on the spaceship itself and must be dealt with.
By SirMadsen2 -
FreeFollowing his humorous adventures in previous game, Roger Wilco is relaxing at his favorite pub somewhere in time and space when heavily armed soldiers enter the room. Carrying a parting message from Roger's old nemesis, Sludge Vohaul, they plan to get rid of the janitorial hero, execution style. That is, until a man with an over-sized hair dryer helps Roger escape through a time rip into the future. Now Roger Wilco has woken up on his home planet, some time in a meta-fictional Space Quest XII. It is a grim, dystopian future: the series has gone to ruin without its hero, and Vohaul rules supreme. Roger must find a way to avoid Vohaul's henchmen, fulfill his destiny, and learn about a few surprises that await him in his own future.
Space Quest IV is the first in the Space Quest series to feature Sierra's icon-based SCI interface and 256-color graphics. The command set includes icons for walking, looking, using or taking, talking, smelling, tasting, as well as inventory access. Roger Wilco is shown on the screen from the exterior in multiple viewpoints. Like in the previous games, inventory-based puzzle-solving co-exists with timed tasks and various hazards that will kill Roger if the player is not careful.
By SirMadsen1 -
FreeNarrowly escaping the events of Space Quest II: Vohaul's Revenge, Roger Wilco's escape pod floats through space. As just another metallic item of junk, it's soon picked up by an interstellar garbage hauler. Waking up in a pile of trash, quite familiar for this janitor-turned-hero, Roger Wilco must somehow escape. Once given access to the rest of the galaxy, he'll soon find himself having to avoid a collections cyborg for payments overdue, dealing with the corporate prison of software company Scummsoft, and having to digest the greasy food from the galaxy's finest hamburger joint.
Space Quest 3 is a graphical adventure. The mouse is functional for movement and inventory access, however the game primarily relies on a text parser for specific commands and manipulation of objects on screen. In addition to the regular gameplay, there are also various mini-games, such as a simple non-scrolling arcade game Astro Chicken, as well as a radar screen representation for ship-to-ship space combat.
By SirMadsen1 -
FreeMortality Bytes casts players again in the role of Rincewind, from the first game.
Death, the grim reaper, who normally ushers the Discworld inhabitants into the afterlife, is on an extended vacation. This means that those whose "time is up" are faltering around in limbo. Now it's up to Rincewind to bring him back or suffer the fate of immortality.
Gameplay is divided into 4 Acts. There are many locations to explore and a multitude of obstacles in Rincewind's path to overcome. Conversations with characters and interaction with inventory objects is necessary to move ahead.
The game features unique humour similar to the previous game.
By SirMadsen2 -
FreeThis adventure game puts the player in the shoes of Rincewind, a wizard whose sole purpose in life is to stay alive. He appears to be very good at it as well, because apparently the universe has decided to continuously challenge him. The game takes place in the humorous fantasy world created by Terry Pratchett. The world is called the Discworld, as it is actually a flat disc carried on the backs of four gigantic elephants, which themselves stand on the back of an even larger turtle.
The story is loosely based on the novel "Guards! Guards!". Both in the book and the game, a dragon is summoned by a group of mysterious conspirators and now terrorizes the city state of Ankh-Morpork. Being the most expendable wizard of the Unseen University, Rincewind is given the task to get rid of the beast (only in the game though; in the book, the city's nightwatch has to deal with the problem).
Discworld is a classical point-and-click adventure game with a few original features. For example, Rincewind's inventory is limited to two objects, and the majority of his belongings is stored in the Luggage, an intelligent chest with dozens of little feet. Furthermore, at a certain point in the game the player gains access to a time-traveling device and has to send Rincewind to the past and back in order to solve some of the puzzles.
By SirMadsen3 -
FreeThe game is based on the movie bearing the same title (which, in turn, is based on Philip K. Dick's novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?). In the grim world of the future, cities lie in darkness, and nature gave its way to artificial, bio-mechanical production of all creatures - including human beings. Those artificial humans are called replicants, and are treated as servants unworthy of being "true" humans. The police officer Ray McCoy is a "Blade Runner", whose special job is hunt down replicant rebels. During his investigations, McCoy also gets to see their side, and his vision of the world and society begins to change.
Blade Runner is an adventure game with an emphasis on detective work rather than on puzzles. There are very few "real" puzzles in the game, and the gameplay mainly consists of questioning suspects, gathering evidence, etc. There are also some action sequences, and throughout the game the protagonist has the ability to use his gun. The player's decisions can (and will) influence the outcome of the story, bringing the game to one of the six possible endings.
By SirMadsen3