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Beside the real world, there is also a parallel dimension called the Veil. Himmler's Paranormal Division knows about the Veil and has built several portals in Isenstadt to travel from the real world to the other, giving them an advantage in the battle over Isenstadt. However, in order to enter the Veil, one needs a special medallion, otherwise the trespasser shall turn into a monster upon his return to the real world. In addition, the medallion grants its wearer special powers. Naturally, the Office of Secret Actions can not allow the Nazis to get access to such powers and sends in their best agent: B. J. Blazkowicz. Although he manages to steal the medallion, the Nazis are already on the brink of being able to artificially create such a medallion in the lab. B. J. can't let them succeed and joins the fight.

Wolfenstein is a first-person-shooter that mainly consists of the player shooting his way through hordes of different types of Nazis, ranging from normal soldier to ninjas. To deal with the large amount of enemies, the player has access to many typical WWII-weapons like the German MP40 or K98 rifle. In addition, during the course of the game he finds the medallion and learns four powers. While at first entering the Veil only allows him so see enemies more clearly and use strange flying creatures as bombs, he is later able to slow down time, surround himself with a protective shield or make himself stronger. However, the medallion's powers drain its energy, which needs to be refilled at power-spots that are nearly invisible in the real world.

After each mission, the player is free to roam Isenstadt, talk to NPCs to get new missions and visit the Black Market. Intelligence material and gold are hidden in the levels. While the intel offers additional insights into the story and its characters, the gold is used at the Black Market to buy new weapons, ammunition and weapons upgrades like silencers or bigger clips. Collecting intel and gold unlocks additional upgrades.


Raven Software Corporation


Activision Publishing, Inc.



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