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A game based on the spanish feature film "Torrente: El Brazo Tonto de la Ley" (Torrente: The Dumb Arm of the Law). The game follows the adventures of officer Torrente, a fascist, sexist, racist, dishonest, drunk and dirty loser that gets caught between drug cartels and all sorts of homicidal maniacs.

You play the game from either a fps or 3rd person perspective and go around completing missions in the streets of Madrid or sunny Marbella in full 3d with some bonus carchases in between. Mission objectives usually range from disabling bombs to escorting super models while gunning down dozens of street thugs and hitmen and listening to the words of wisdom that Torrente periodically spouts a la Duke Nukem.


Virtual Toys, S.L.


1C Company, Electronic Arts, Inc., FX Interactive, S.L., O~3 Entertainment


Licensed Title

Recommended Emulator


The game is working on DirectX 8, use dgVoodoo utility for running the game on modern systems.

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