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8 Screenshots

About This File

Tough Guy is a fighting game similar to Street Fighter. Choose one fighter and travel all over the world to choose and challenge a wide variety of fighters.

A unique feature of Tough Guy is that fighters have the ability to refill their health if they are injured. They also have super moves which can inflict a lot of damage on their opponent.

Although not as well-known as Sango Fighter games, Tough Guy has the same charm and excellent gameplay that makes Panda one of the most underrated fighting game companies of all time, let alone in Taiwan.

Crisp animation and graphics, many special moves, and diverse locales make this a fun game to play. The only downside is that the characters are too similar to each other. Still, it's a good fighting game no one should pass up.


Panda Entertainment Technology Co., Ltd.


Panda Entertainment Technology Co., Ltd.


Anime / Manga
Versus Fighting

Recommended Emulator


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