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People have always loved catastrophic scenarios where they imagine how bad humanity can end. These scenarios are the subject of many books, movies, but also computer games. One of those games is Burntime. The game itself draws you straight into the action. It is not explained what is the cause, but suddenly you find yourself on an Earth whose entire surface is covered by a desert. Cities have been destroyed, lakes and rivers have dried up, almost all of humanity has become extinct. Only a few strong individuals have survived, struggling for their bare lives and trying to find a source of drinking water. The game is a combination of RPG and strategy. At the beginning, you choose the character you will play for. The goal is quite clear: to find a source of drinking water, search for a need, fight monsters and defend the conquered territories. Gradually, you can expand your group, invite more people, and at the same time you can hire mercenaries to guard your territories. At the time of the release, it was a relatively innovative game with a new concept of gaming, and I believe that even today, many hours will pass before the game starts to bore you.


Max Design


Max Design


Sci-Fi / Futuristic

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