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About This File

Classic tycoon game from a zoo environment. 2D graphics, around 40 animals for adoption, several types of environments and very undemanding gameplay make ZT a good thing to relax. The main goal is to earn money that will be left with satisfied visitors.

It starts with an empty area where paths and sidewalks must be planted, cages for animals with the right soil and greenery, water areas and so on. Of course, each animal has different requirements, which can be read in a clear encyclopedia. But the zoo is also visited by people, so it is necessary to build benches, stalls, shops, restaurants and children's corners, otherwise it may happen that the Zoo becomes just a shelter for animals. In addition, of course, it is necessary to buy animals and place them in the right cages (an elephant behind an ordinary wire rod is not a good idea). However, the staff, from breeders to cleaners, must not be forgotten. Two data discs (Dinosaur Digs and Marine Mania) and a sequel (Zoo Tycoon 2) with the same principles and 3D graphics (and many data discs) were released for the game.


Blue Fang Games





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