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Turok is a first-person shooter game set in the near future. There is no relationship with the previous games or the storyline from the comic books. The protagonist is Joseph Turok, a former member of Wolf Pack (the enemy in this game), but now a member of Whiskey Company. The mission that led to the events of the game was simple: find Roland Kane (leader of Wolf Pack, and Turok's former mentor) and bring him back to Earth. However, things turned ugly, as the ship was hit by a missile and crashed on the back-water planet. Even worse, it becomes apparent that scientists from the Mendel Gruman Corporation have been terra-forming the planet for accelerated evolution, resulting in dinosaurs hunting Turok, his allies, and his enemy. Joseph Turok's mission is to survive at all costs.

Gameplay is about surviving in dangerous environments with both human soldiers and dinosaurs. The dinosaurs can be used as a tool to eliminate soldiers by luring them. All weapons have secondary functions such as a flares to lure dinos. Turok can also choose a stealthy approach with arrows and his trusty knife, in the form of brutal kills. Online multiplayer is also featured, with all the weapons from the single-player game, and some maps have dinos and giant scorpions. The gameplay modes include classics like Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Capture the Flag, and all-new modes borrowed from objective-based war games, such as Assault Capture the flag, and co-op missions. They all have a little twist to them, such as CTF putting a lure on the "flag carrier" that draws dinos to the player.


Propaganda Games




Licensed Title
Sci-Fi / Futuristic

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