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If you played computer games and loved cartoon adventures in the 90's, LucasArts Entertainment Company is definitely not unknown to you. This company in computer games is famous for beautiful adventures with an always excellent story and good control. One would think that cartoon adventures are games that were only popular in the 90's, but in 2002 LucasArt tried to change this mindset and came up with the great game Full Throttle. In this game you play as the rough biker Ben, the leader of the motorcycle gang Polecats (tchori). Although the graphics look cute, painted at first glance, the game is not intended for the little ones, because the harsh, slang language of the motorcycling environment is used here. At the same time, the amount of humor used is typical for rhu, both in the dialogues and in the story itself. From this short description it follows that the adventure is really top notch, but at the same time it is intended for a very specific group of players. If you didn't like the game, it may be because it's intended for other players. The only negative I found in this game was its length - or rather its shortness.


LucasArts Entertainment Company


LucasArts Entertainment Company


Puzzle elements

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