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Most of the team at developer Tilted Mill worked at Impressions, which created the Caesar series. After producing the similar city builder Children of the Nile on its own, the developer returns to its original series with Caesar IV.

Caesar IV is a fairly typical city management game. You build up a Roman city, only this time it's in full 3D. You create trade networks, fight off the occasional invasion, and keep those peons working. You’re rated in five categories, including culture (religion and entertainment), security (local police, firefighters, city defenses), prosperity (how much your citizens have upgraded their homes), favor (how well you’ve met Rome’s demands), and population. You also need to make money so you can expand your city, and keep your people happy so that they’ll continue moving it.

The real issue with Caesar IV is that it’s a bit too typical as a city builder, and is also hampered by a not so intuitive interface. Consider Rome’s demands. You’ll often get requests from Rome for certain resources. This is a good thing since it gives you mini-goals to work towards, but the interface for accessing and stockpiling resources takes far too much drilling through the cumbersome advisor’s menu. When you have to engage in the same sequence of click-click-click for every demand from Rome, well… it just gets annoying.


Tilted Mill Entertainment


Sierra Entertainment


City Building / Construction Simulation

Recommended Emulator


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