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Blood is a typical Build-powered shooter with a gory twist to the action. While not being the first ever horror-themed FPS in existence,  Blood does get dubious praise for being more dark and visceral than anything before it. Zombies, demons, religious fanatics and other nasty things are out to get you in this dark, tattered, maggoty, festering computer game.

Even though Blood can be gross as hell, it’s not the least bit off-putting because of it. In fact, its bleak atmosphere and numerous horror-film references scattered throughout the game make it a joy to play. Picture walking through a moonlit Crystal Lake and finding Jason’s iconic ski mask in his rickety cabin. Or stumbling upon a frozen Jack Torrence in a snowy hedge maze. All of that is here, plus much more. With its quirky humor and macabre imagery, Blood has the strange quality of being both foul and alluring at the same time.

Playing the role of a resurrected gunslinger out for revenge, Blood successfully copies what made Duke Nukem 3D great and places the action in a sort of hellish version of the world, one ruled by dark gods, insane cultists, vicious demons and loinclothed loons who fling their arms in panic. Other than the poor loinclothed guys who always get caught in a crossfire, Blood throws in everything from pesky rats and spiders to giant stone gargoyles, with a great many drawn from famous works of horror.

Most common among them are axe-wielding George Romero-style Zombies and machingun-totting cultists that spout insane babble. The trigger-happy Cultists will cause the most trouble, as their lightning-quick reflexes and sharp aim make them awfully challenging to kill. Other enemies up for spillage is the Bloated Butcher, Phantasm (a spooky ghost with a scythe), Hell Hound and four different boss characters. Blood’s most novel enemy is the disembodied hand that chokes the life out of you. Pressing ‘Use’ repeatedly will force it off. You can even here the hand utter ‘I’ll swallow your soul‘ (Evil Dead).


3D Realms / Monolith Productions


GT Interactive



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