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About This File

In The Flintstones: Bedrock Bowling, Fred Flintstone is toiling away as usual at his thankless construction job. When it's quitting time, his boss threatens him with summary termination if he does not finish his trench-digging assignment by the next morning. The biggest dilemma for Fred is that he needs to practice for an upcoming bowling tournament. The benevolent alien named The Great Gazoo materializes and solves the problem by digging a trench and lining it with giant bowling pins. He then gives Fred a large bowling ball half shell in which to play live action bowling.

The action in Bedrock Bowling takes the form of steering the bowling shell down 8 different lanes. Each lane has 10 pins that the player must try to hit. Additionally, there are many diamonds, birds, and other powerups along the way to be collected for points.

The 8 lanes are Gravel Factory, Quarry, Flooded, Tar, Freeway, Crystal Mine, Lava, and Rockzilla.


Adrenalin Interactive, Inc.


SouthPeak Interactive LLC


Licensed Title
TV / Cartoons

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