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About This File

They're Alive! is a shooter in modern setting with some science-fiction elements.

The main character is an engineer from Voronezh dismissed from a factory of expanded products. He comes in Moscow, where he tries to find a job, and finds work on rail station, where he finds strange glasses.

Thanks to these glasses he can see the true meaning of advertising and knows about a plan of an unknown alien race to conquer our planet...

They're Alive! is a game rip-off of famous film They Live! in Russian reality - in the game you will learn the real meaning of in-game advertising and see the real faces of enemies with the special glasses (glasses are an important part of gameplay - on some levels glasses help find doors).

Also the player will fight aliens using various weapons - car muffler, revolver, shotgun, SMG and even alien blaster.

The gameplay combines melee fights (on first levels) and shooting (from level "Rail station" onward).






Sci-Fi / Futuristic

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