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About This File

The player can play as either Leonardo, Donatello, Michelangelo or Raphael. Each turtle has his own unique set of levels to complete. There is a story mode for one or two players, and there is also a versus mode where two players can fight head to head.

In the versus mode, players can fight as all 4 turtles, Splinter, Casey Jones, Hamato Yoshi, The Turtlebot, Hun, Oroku Saki, and The Shredder. A Challenge mode is unlockable by defeating Oroku Saki with any Turtle in the Story Mode, which needs to be complete to unlock Hamato Yoshi and his dojo.


Konami Computer Entertainment Studios Inc.


Konami Digital Entertainment Inc.


Beat 'em up / Brawler
TV / Cartoons

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