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9 Screenshots

About This File

Contract JACK is another action game using Monolith's render engine. As you can see it uses the same as No One Lives Forever.
It also takes place in the same setting. Actually it takes place around the same time as No One Lives Forever.
The game is made more like a shooter than a spy game. Lots of enemies at one, and lots of ammo and shields to find!
It also picks up ammo from dead guys automatically. You don't need to manual search for it like Cate Archer.

Anyway, there are 7 chapters in this one, and they are pretty cool.
The youtube video shows you how direct the action begins!

To play the game. Just unpack the zip file and run the installer. It is a fixed version for widescreens as well.
Tested on Windows 10, 64 bit.



Monolith Productions


Monolith Productions



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