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Many popular RPGs were inspired by real board games and so was the game Hero Quest. Hero Quest is a combination of RPG and strategy game where you control a total of 4 characters and you always have a limited number of moves that are assigned by random - roll of the dice. You control a total of 4 heroes (barbarian, dwarf, elf and wizard), but you do not have to choose all four. However, a larger number of characters will increase your chances of winning battles. The gameplay is a classic. You go through the various rooms, have to avoid pitfalls, try to equipp your characters with higher quality weapons and fight against different fantasy enemies. The game had great ideas that creators managed to pass from board to the PC gaming world, but the game also contains a number of rather illogical errors, that sometimes make the gameplay worse. For example, your character can not sell and change the weapons between themselfs. Once you take the weapon, you can not lay it down. Despite the many shortcomings that can be found in the game, the game is very entertaining combination of strategy and RPG game format and I recommend it to every RPG fan out there.


221B Software Development


Gremlin Interactive



Recommended Emulator


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