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Singles: Flirt Up Your Life is a relationship simulator. Think "The Sims" on a much smaller scale but with a more detailed character interaction.

The game starts of by giving you 2 couples who live in a flat. Your task is to explore their relationship while controlling their tasks like cooking, watching TV and a whole lot more. The couples will fight with each like in real life too. Then there are moments where the couples will get intimate with each other. This where the fun starts as players are given a few levels of eroticism to play with. Starting from mild kissing up to making love or having a shower together.


Rotobee Realtime 3D GmbH


Deep Silver


Life / Social Simulation

Recommended Emulator

To change game language you have to go in the game main folder and modify the "gameLang" file in "Config" folder . You have a line like:

# german version

To deactivate a language insert "--" before Translator. You can see other languages have it already. Remove the same "--" from the language you need to activate. This works also for Singles 2.

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