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10 Screenshots

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At the end of the 90's, the racing game market was very crowded, and in order to gain a foothold in it, you really had to come up with something new to engage players. And that is exactly what Attention to Detail did, which in 1999 came up with the excellent game Rollcage. This is a great racing game that actually has no rules, no boundaries, just a non-stop racing experience. The very name of the game "roll cage" suggests that it will be driven with almost unbreakable cars, where it doesn't matter if you crash, make hours, turn around, just step on the gas and move on. The individual tracks differ from each other not only in terms of graphics, but also in terrain and even gravity, so on some tracks you can fly nicely, or you can race on walls or ceilings. This is a great game that is fast, dynamic, very nice and fun at the same time. It is very difficult to find a weakness that you would blame for it.


Attention to Detail




Street Racing
Track Racing
Vehicular Combat

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