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10 Screenshots

About This File

Atrox is astonishingly similar to Blizzard Entertainment’s StarCraft. The gameplay, the graphics, units, buildings, even single animations are extremely close to the original.

The game is a real-time strategy game where the player controls one of three races (Hominides, Inteliom, Kreators) and tries to destroy all the others on the map. To accomplish this task, he can build a base with many different buildings such as weapon factories, barracks, power plants and so on. He also has to gather resources to build all his stuff, in this game, he needs to get Quark and some liquid crystal.

The game features three different campaigns (one for each race) as well as skirmish mode, network and online play (the latter using a server).






City Building / Construction Simulation
Sci-Fi / Futuristic

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